Student Solution


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– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Homework (2)

Homework (2)

Q What are some variables that affect group effectiveness?What are the differences between intrinsic and extrinsic motivation?What two variables are measured in the managerial communication matrix? Describe the characteristics of each quadrant in the matrix.Describe one informal communication method and the several purposes that informal communication serves.Describe how Herzberg’s dissatisfiers and motivators relate to Maslow’s hierarchy of needs.Describe the two types of forces creating change and give examples.

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The variables which are required to determine group effectiveness are termed as intervening variables. In order to be more specific, the variables that have the potentials to affect the group effectiveness are divided in 4 major categories. The first variable among these is group size. Second one is member compositions and roles. Third variable which can affect the group effectiveness is group norms. Last but not the least variable in this matter is group cohesiveness.